about us

OUR Mission

The mission of the school is underpinned by the core values of: Commitment, Acceptance, Respect, Excellence and Strength. We aim to provide an encouraging environment for the children where they can bring out the best in themselves without fearing failures. The school is committed to developing self-confidence, flexibility, adaptability and problem solving skills in each student so that he can grow up as a strong individual with a positive self esteem, ready to face the changes which are vital elements of the 21 st Century world.


“Learning is about getting better, academically, socially and emotionally. Amazing learning happens when students surprise themselves by getting better to a level beyond which they thought was possible.”

The GPRP School embraces the individuality of each learner. We support student learning through a robust, student-focused curriculum and enriching extra-curricular activities, and focus relentlessly on each child’s ability to amaze.

The GPRP recognizes and nurtures the inherent talent of each student in order to make a meaningful difference in the journey of their lives and create a lasting impact on their future.

Our focus lies in making the child happy, compassionate, competent and a well informed individual. So that when he faces the competitive world he has trust in his abilities, is strong enough to combat failures and remains grounded when successful

For this we lay emphasis on providing:


our philosophy

The GPRP School ideates the concept of nurturing responsible and conscientious citizens through a challenging, interdisciplinary, art integrated curriculum fulfilling the diverse need of students in a caring and stimulating environment.

Our vision is to nurture the intellect and conscience of every student in a caring and stimulating environment.

Our teaching philosophy is based upon our understanding that all our students:

from the director's desk...

Thank you for showing interest in admitting your child to GPRP Education Centre. Few decisions are more important than the choice of the right school for your child and the website provides you with a glimpse of what our school has to offer. We believe that GPRP Education Centre offers an educational experience like no other to our children and will give them the qualifications and confidence they will need to play a leading role in tomorrow’s society.

We constantly endeavor to provide our students with a learning environment in which they have as many opportunities as possible in which to excel and also distinguish themselves in academics and a range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

I am sure that every child admitted to the school will find the staff and general environment warm, friendly and supportive as well as an atmosphere which breeds co- operation and trust, we look forward to welcoming your child to GPRP Kids Wing.

Mr. Praveen Sachan (Director/ Manager)

from the administrator's desk...

“Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations”

Today the role of school in not only to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate and empower its student to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and productive members of an ever-changing global society. More than a decade back GPRP pledged to transform education. At GPRP we provide an atmosphere to our students. for multifaceted development, where children are encouraged to channelize their potential in the persuit of excellence. This can only be possible in a holistic, student-centric environment.

The talent skills and abilities of each student need to be identified, nurtured and encouraged so that he/she is able to reach greater heights. The parents are the most strenghthening power in moulding the future of children. Their consistent support empwers us to do more and more. I pay my gartitude to them for their faith in us. I am confident enough that the GPRP will make themselves stronger day by day, adding a new leaf to the grandeur of the school.